Monday, August 12, 2013


I don't know where this summer has gone...but I've had some good news on the Western Front. A guy called me a few days ago and said he's going to try and open my kind of junk store in Carnegie, Oklahoma (consignment booths) and he wanted to know if I wanted to do a booth. As I still have stuff stashed here and there as I'm driving my husband crazy, what could I say but "Yes." He should know something towards the end of the week. It seems there was a little matter of a leak at the building that he was having to get the city involved in. Here goes hoping the leak gets fixed because this would be the perfect time of the year to set up a booth. The days will start getting a little cooler (I hope). Maybe we could even have a decent length of fall - it could happen. So here's to the re-emergence of my BELLE AMI FLEA booth. 

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